I want to take everyone back,...way back to your initial infection..... ( see below)...

I remember my first symptoms of LC as a change in sun light sensitivity. Loss in weight, general fatigue, anxiety, (The anxiety may have been me trying to avoid the virus, because at this time there were many cases, first waver Omicron.) Then came a weird relapse where I was just floored with Fatigue, after that is when I noticed some brain fog, it's like my mind was re wired, and I became slow and some depression was hitting, most people said this was like a COVID hang over. I took a trip to my home town, and picked up a few things, after I got back, I noticed being easily tired like I needed to lie down .. vision changes, but I didn't have any PEM that was noticable.

just wanna take everyone back to see what improved or changed, what went away and what worsened over time ... ( If any).