Covid sent my body into a shock-like state

Covid sent my body into a shock-like state

What the title says. I tested positive around Jan 13th-ish. Covid immediately sent my body into shock. I went to the hospital, and I unfortunately had just started a new anxiety med on a low dose and was having side effects, so we had to stop that. I was also barely medicated for anxiety because nobody wanted to test-drive a new one while I was so sick—which is valid. Stopping it made the side effects go away, and it didn't make my anxiety worse—because it could not get worse.

Anyway, I went in, and it was deemed that it was my anxiety and panic disorder, etc. IT WAS NOT. Klonopin did not touch it. Even after knocking myself out, I still woke up with it. All my doctors knew me and knew something was wrong—this was not what a panic attack felt like.

I could not sleep, could not have my pillow flat, and had to sleep with a light on. My body was in shock and genuinely thought I was dying—not mentally or emotionally, but from the literal freaking out my body was doing. It NEVER STOPPED for almost three days.

Immediately, Paxlovid took it away. Three days of shaking, barely sleeping, crying, and being so afraid were relieved by this miracle drug within 12 hours. I have not heard of anyone else having this side effect, so I wanted to post for anyone who might have it and feel alone.

I still have an irregular vagus nerve and post-viral inflammation. Cold stuff on my chest, cough suppressants, and my coping skills help. This can last up to three months before it is considered long Covid. My psych said I now have PTSD from that experience and that this symptom is underreported—my primary doctor agrees.

My fiancé rearranged the bedroom for me, and we sleep with the closet light on still. Even put a TV in there. I still don't have a good sleep schedule—I wake up at 1 PM. This virus is a MONSTER.

After Paxlovid, though, it was much better—I managed symptoms. I had REGULAR, NORMAL PANIC ATTACKS daily, but I've had enough therapy (still in therapy) to get through those, and I way prefer those over what happened at the beginning of Covid. Not that this doesn't still suck and hinder my quality of life.

I'm on 10mg of Prozac and 50mg of Lamotrigine daily. It has helped, but I still have panic attacks. We will get around to upping my Prozac eventually.

My fatigue these days is so bad. I cough constantly if I don't take my cough meds. I feel faint daily (was already trying to get a POTS diagnosis). I wish I never got it. :(

I am vaccinated with the booster, by the way.

Edit: someone used ChatGPT to word it better