Anyone with these kind if Eyesight problems?
So guys i have been really struggling lately :/ Naimely i had LC for the last teo months, and POTS, Polineurophaty and so on.. but in the last two weeks my eyes are getting blurry in some moments, they feel havy and dry, have trouble focusing them when chaning the distance of looking, they are completely intolerant to light and screen
I went to an Oftamologist and they have no idea, they were like We cant really figure out your dioptry :/ its a little bit higher def. They did all the tests and Everything looks pretty good, but they noticed a slight thinning of the RNFL (retinal nerve fiber), they said it could be because i have a minus dioptry.
But i am getting reallyyy anxious about my eyesight, i have no idea what lenses to wear now or what to do with my eyes bc the blurriness is really scaring me, but it comes and goes randomly