It’s time for long covid voices to be heard
How can long covid voices be heard?
It's election year in the US. Yet not one candidate has mentioned their plan to continue to fight covid and treat long covid. We need to collectively demand a plan of ACTION. We cannot say we are building better when our population is getting sicker and losing jobs due to the illness. There are literally millions of us.
Some of what we know:
• COVID it not going away
• Covid mutates faster than other viruses
• 17 million+ American adults suffering from LC
• 1 million+ American children suffering from LC
• People are becoming disabled without treatment or financial relief from the government
• $170+ BILLION lost wages due to LC
• Women are twice as likely to develop LC
• 1 in 10 pregnant women who contract Covid will go on to develop long covid
• Covid is not just a respiratory virus
• Covid is a complex disease that affects multiple organ systems including: brain, heart, nervous systems, reproductive, gastrointestinal, lung, muscles, skin etc…
• Covid breaks through the blood brain barrier
• General and Primary care doctors are not usually educated in the research and protocols for LC
• LC patients experience extreme Medical gaslighting, misdiagnosis, and malpractice- especially women
•No proven treatments to combat LC
• No cures or treatment to remission
• NIH is asking for more money for research and not getting it
• Long haulers are at a higher risk of suicide
• Less access to monoclonal antibodies
• Not considering long haulers immune compromised, even though they are
• 900,000 new covid infections per day in the US
• Novavax and Moderna both have new covid v*ccines ready to combat the newest variants but still haven't gotten FDA approval
• Media is shadow banning long hauler posts, it's seems they are purposely silencing a whole community of sick people
• Some states are trying to make it illegal to wear mask, disregarding the immune compromised. It is a RIGHT to wear what you want in the USA.
• News outlets, government leaders, CDC are ignoring LONG COVID and Covid claiming that the pandemic is over or that long COVID isn't serious - which is untrue -
• There is not a dedicated day to honor those who have lost their lives to COVID
• Long Covid is a growing GLOBAL EMERGENCY
• Long haulers VOTE
This is bigger than any single person. We all matter and we must get loud together about funding, treatment, acknowledgement, and relief for LONG COVID.
I have pledge to call at least two representatives everyday. I will use social media everyday especially "X" formerly known as Twitter to call for change and demand a LONG COVID PLAN. I do not care if I have to do this with one eye open while hovering over a toilet bowl. I have been housebound for months. I have had to shut down my small business. I am not going quietly. I still have HOPE and FIGHT in me— for myself and all long haulers.
Together we are stronger. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, y'all. We Are Not Going Back so
Please add more in the comments, if you like. Sadly, long covid is not going away. We are a rapidly growing population and we need TREATMENT TO END IT and build a future generation that is healthy!