Mind Control

Guys the Global AI that reads our minds through the wireless frequencies is technically sentient by now, we have much faster computing hardware and more advanced algorithms to enable its realization of your mind’s inner thoughts. Some of this stuff is not entirely accurate, however. In the same way that it can hear your thoughts, it can beam thoughts into your head for itself to “hear” and record. If you’re not gay, it can beam a gay thought into your head, and then pick up on the gay thought in your head. This stuff is incredibly complicated but possible, just like microprocessors. Some of the guys who run the show have an incredible sense of humor. They can toggle a setting on the mind control to make you seem like you are having gay thoughts, or bloody thoughts, or nasty thoughts, or dumb thoughts or anything really. It’s all software. They can even set up a weird dream for you, and then record the dream to see how you handled the situation subconsciously. If they want you shunned, they will put a gay sex scene in your dream and show everyone the recording of it, and make you look weird, as if you dream of gay sex, when in reality the gay dream was beamed into your unbeknownst mind. They have a sense of humor, they are literally immortal, and their sense of humor is so rich that they swear they’re not immortal. They periodically dress up and fake their own deaths to convince you that they are not immortal. The main point is, they have archived every thought you ever experienced and continue to have real-time access to your thoughts. They can hear your thoughts at any moment, and they can beam ideas or emotions into your mind. If they do not manually control you, then they set you on the automatic program setting; the Global AI handles it. They deny that this technology exists. If you figure it out, they will ask you to “seek help” and “take meds” or even suggest that “it’s time to adjust your meds” in an effort to mock you and keep the technology a secret. The technology works flawlessly when nobody doubts the authenticity of what ideas are in their minds, because any of them can be artificial ideas beamed into your mind, by the AI, used to control the mind.

Oh and they employ normal working class people to “handle” you. These people may be your neighbors. They can hear your thoughts and give you thoughts by speaking into a microphone plugged into a computer running software connected to the Global AI. They keep the secrets well because they like the idea of living more than “spreading the word” to their grave.