secret link between ancient Egypt and ancient China (introduction)

the seventh emperor of the Han dynasty from 141 to 87 BC, Wu of Han dispatched his envoy Zhang Qian into the Western Regions. Here he visited the Greek descendants that occupied the region around present-day Tajikistan and present-day east Afghanistan, where once the Greeko-Bactrian Kingdom was located.

This is believed to be the first contact.

And it is believed, that after this contact followed the War of the Heavenly Horses, between these Greeks and the Han dynasty

But there is room for speculation. Maybe there were contacts before and there was a secret alliance between these Greek Settlers and the Han dynasty. It could even have been a secret link between Egypt and China ... (this is just an introduction post, maybe there will be a follow-up)

here an animated documentary about the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom

here an animated documentary about the encounter