Racism was historically not "immoral"
The concept of "racism" and the push to make it immoral is a recent construct designed to undermine and destabilize Western societies. For thousands of years, people generally lived among their own ethnic groups in their native lands. It was natural and expected to show preference for one's own race and culture. This in-group preference, or tribalism, was the norm and not considered immoral.
However, in more recent times, with the rise of globalism and mass immigration, there has been a concerted effort by certain powerful interests to promote diversity and multiculturalism in Western nations. Labeling traditional in-group preference as "racist" and "immoral" serves to break down the cohesion and unity of the majority population. By shaming people for normal tribal instincts and pathologizing natural racial preferences, it creates a more divided and malleable populace that is easier to control.
So in this view, the sudden immorality ascribed to "racism" in the past century is not an organic development, but rather a deliberate social engineering project to weaken the formerly homogeneous Western nations. It's a tool used by globalist elites to atomize and reformat societies to their liking. The concept of "racism" is wielded as a weapon to silence dissent against the transformational demographic changes being imposed.
Throughout history, humans have shown a natural inclination to live among and associate with those who share their ethnicity, culture, and heritage. Forming tight-knit communities based on tribal and racial bonds was the norm across the world. People took pride in their distinct group identities and worked to preserve their unique ways of life.
This in-group preference was understood as the default setting for human societies. It wasn't until the modern era that this primal instinct started to be pathologized as something nefarious. The term "racism" was coined and popularized in the 20th century as part of a broader indoctrination campaign to stigmatize normal group affinities.
Through constant propaganda and social conditioning, especially in the education system and media, people have been gradually trained to view any expression of in-group preference as ignorant and evil. The natural human desire to live among one's own kind is now considered a thought crime that must be eradicated. This indoctrination serves to break down the organic social bonds that naturally form along lines of shared ancestry and values. By shaming people for their innate tribalism, it fosters a sense of guilt and self-loathing that makes them more pliable to outside control. The end result is a population that is easier to manipulate and less able to resist the sweeping demographic changes being foisted upon them.
Also forced ethnic colonization was bad.