Need Help Cleaning Nintendo Wii Lens.

Hey! So my Nintendo Wii has been having trouble reading discs lately, specifically Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The disc itself has no issues except for a small scratch on the left and a few tiny, almost invisible scratches in other places. My Wii did not have much trouble reading other discs that were objectively worse in condition. I've read that the disc is double layered, and since my Wii is old, I need to clean the lens because it has trouble reading discs in general. This is an issue. I'd either have to: A: Take apart the entire Wii and clean the Lens. or B: Buy a $1,000 cleaning kit. Both of these options are definitely out of range for me, as I am neither a tech wizard, nor rich. I've seen videos about making DIY lens cleaners that seem to work for other people. None of the ones I've tried seem to work, or they just make the Wii worse. If worse comes to worse, I'll have to take apart the Wii, but does anyone have any tips on making good DIY cleaner discs or anything about cleaning the Wii's lens in general? Thanks in advance to anyone that helps. <3