the hardest slap
i dont see a lot of stories or fantasies on here much anymore outside of the weekly thread so i hope this is okay to post here. i wanted to share my experience with CNC, d/s, and very rough, violent sex because i really enjoyed it and im really happy to have this safe outlet finally (via sex and also knowing other people share this kink). i’ve dabbled but nothing this perfect or all around safe. everything mentioned is 100% consensual and we are both above the age of 21.
i like really violent sex. i understand where it stems from, mentally. i’ve had people do some damage but it’s NEVER enough. i always want more, i always want harder, i always want less mercy. my dom, who’s my partner, obliges because it’s something he’s always wanted to do but never got the opportunity. CNC as a whole in fact, and having someone who’s a complete submissive. and while he wants to do it (hurt me, inflict pain, etc), he would be fine not doing it too, which is great to know. and i make it clear he never has to do anything for my benefit if he doesnt want to do it.
cut to us having earth shattering sex. he was slapping me. hard. genuinely harder than i’ve ever been slapped. i told him he’ll never break me and harder is never hard enough. i told him i dont bruise at all and i have a huge pain kink, so he took it as a challenge.
i was flinching at his every (hand) movement and he was saying beautiful things. he said he loved me over and over. looked me deep in the eyes while he absolutely fucking railed me into the mattress. my favorite was “i hurt you because i love you.” that did something crazy to me. i would repeat it back “i know you hurt me because you love me.” or “i know you love me because you hurt me.” this is obviously very intense rhetoric, but communication is always key, aftercare is always key, and we are always on the same page. so i felt completely and utterly comfortable, safe, and at his mercy. truly submissive.
it felt really good to be fearful and to be used and abused. he brings this fear out of me like i’ve never experienced before. hes truly ravenous and primal, the way i need it. hes so sweet, i cant believe the animal that resides inside of him that only i get to see.
the last slap he laid on me was so hard, i almost passed out. i was on the verge already but the slaps just got harder and harder, and his aim was slightly off so he was hitting my eye a little too. i noticed my brain slow down a little and it was quite painful. it was so delicious.
but i said the safe word (reluctantly but i need to know safe limits) and he immediately softened, turned off dom mode, and made sure i was okay. that was the first time i’d said it. we’re developing a pretty deep d/s dynamic that will extend outside of the bedroom. i didnt have doubts anyway but it was really nice to see it in practice, his ability to not take things too far just because he knows i like it really rough and he always has implied consent. consensual is the key term in consensual non consent, and im glad he gets that. it’s a powerful position to be in, as the aggressor, and i think it’s the fact that he loves me and only wants to make me happy and satisfied that makes all the difference there.
since he couldnt slap anymore, we transitioned to punching my torso. that was really new for him. i could tell he was a little unsure but after talking, he really got into it. i’ve been punched before but never like that, never so hard. i would kind of yelp when he would hit me and just say thank you over and over again, to practice gratitude and so he knew i was really really loving it.
he made me keep my legs back (in missionary) and god, he was just so deep. i almost couldnt take it but that doesnt matter in the moment. i take it or im severely punished. he would choke me and push my limits the perfect amount. one hand around my throat with perfect pressure. he’d look me in the eyes and smile and keep fucking me deeply while my grip on his arm got looser and looser as i ran out of air. and then gasping for air only when he decided i deserved to breathe again intensified everything. it makes me cum almost instantly on top of being hit.
we ended up going five rounds with rest and cuddles in between. i came a countless amount of times. we came together. he came every single time. he loves creampies. i’ve never met a man with a sex drive as high as mine. i’ve truly met my match.
my pussy was swollen from the friction. i was sore from the deep strokes, the spanks, the punches. im obsessed with that soreness, it’s a constant reminder days after the fact that im owned and im getting fucked the way i want to be and need to be. and my face was swollen and red. he was actually a little concerned but i reassured him and said thank you and made sure he knew that he did everything i asked perfectly. hes the perfect dom. and i think im his perfect sub. i feel so happy.
our next fantasy is home invasion. im gonna get an airbnb, knock myself out with a substance (just weed, puts me in a deep sleep), and he’ll let himself in and have his way with me. i’ll put up a fight, it wont be that easy. but im no match for him. that’ll be my first time really role playing. im excited. it’s the first time i’ve had such a perfect dynamic. hes so perfect. i love being his submissive little lady. i love being his personal slave. i love that he’s so into free use and CNC and being my dominant. i love that he wants to rape me. and i love that everything happens only because i allow it.
im really lucky. im really happy. thanks for reading.