Support the NRA

This sub's sidebar contains a link to support the NRA.

Would you like to see it removed and why?

  • The executive leadership board has taken money from donors to enhance their personal lifestyles, losing its NY lawsuit
  • Senate Committee proves NRA ties to Russia
  • Various partners in the outdoor industry have largely moved to disassociate with the orgnization.
  • Helped draft modern framework for gun control including the NFA and GCA

This list goes on and the history of the NRA working in favor of itself and at the disinterest it's constituents has proven to be problematic to say the least. It's becoming apparent that the NRA works to secure large manufacturer contracts with SIG and the DoD in order to get corporate kickbacks as opposed to working harder for you to own a suppressor. Should this sub delete this support link, especially given that localized, grassroots organizations have made a large impact in protecting your gun rights.