Struggling with climbing performance after giving birth

Hi all! It’s been a little over 3 months since I’ve giving birth to my beautiful baby boy. Prior to my pregnancy, I would say I was fairly high performing climber and I worked very hard to get to that point. I was primarily bouldering and was probably the strongest I’ve ever been before giving birth. I wanted to bounce back, so I trained and climbed all throughout my pregnancy.

When I start climbing again at 6 weeks, I knew I wasn’t going to be at the same level immediately. So I felt like I was pretty patient with myself. Now at three months, I find myself feeling frustrated that my body doesn’t move the same as it did before. Im almost back at my lead climbing pre-pregnancy strength, but bouldering feels so hard! I worked hard to become pretty good at steep boulders and board climbing, but now it’s so difficult. Crimping on small holds feels painful when it was once my specialty. I’m back to training at 3 days a week, but I feel like I haven’t seen many gains. At this point, I’m wondering if I’ll ever get back to where I was.

I guess I’m wondering if anyone has climbing success stories for climbing after pregnancy and giving birth. What did you do to get back in shape? I’m looking for some hope!