Climber mum and feel alone
Hello :) I've been climbing for 1 year now and had good progress! My issue is that I feek quite alone. I started to climb on January 2022 and we had a nice group of friends going all together, it was really fun!
But I learned my pregnancy in March, so I stopped. My BF was still going 3 times per week and I was quite jealous.
I went back climbing few months after giving birth, I was very happy. It was only me, my boyfriend and the baby.
But it became more and more difficult to climb with friends. Some stopped climbing, other could not fit our schedule.
Now it's been a year. My boyfriend, baby and I are going every Saturday and now that my kid is at the nursery, I'm going once or twice before work alone.
But I really would like to find some climbing friends. But seems like an impossible mission when you are mom.
My boyfriend and I found a new group, but we barely see them as "we're gonna come to the gym when baby will be done with his naps" is not something they are used to.
Any other alone mom here?