2 Days Post Op!

I got Vaser lipo with renuvion on 1/29. Today is 1/31 and I’m already so excited about the results I had to post.

Overall experience: I was awake for the procedure. I took 3 .5mg Xanax before hand. Once I got on the table and the dr was injecting the local anesthesia, I was super anxious. Then they had me take one Oxycodone, which really calmed me down.

The rest of the process felt really quick, but actually took 60ish minutes. No pain at all. The doctor wrapped my head super tightly with the head wrap and my Bf drove me home.

That night I took one more oxycodone before bed. I was feeling extremely claustrophobic with the head wrap but the oxy calmed me down and I slept fine. The next day I worked from home (but wish I had just taken the day off). It was hard to talk with the head wrap. The next day the nurse took my headwrap off and replaced it with a removable one that is much nicer feeling.

I’ve been taking Tylenol for any pain (which is minimal), arnica supplements for bruising and antibiotics. The swelling and bruising is very minimal. I’ll start lymphatic drainage massage this weekend.

Overall I’m extremely pleased with the results and can’t wait to see how it progresses!

I saw Dr Shahin Javaheri in SF.