Is anyone else here childfree but NOT super successful?
I like to visit this subreddit to hear other people's stories and your experiences as childfree individuals, and I often read posts about how you do super well at work because you have no kids to care for, your romantic relationships are good and healthy, and you travel the world and have fun.
But I can't do any of those things. I'm disabled which for me means that I cannot work. I have never had a boyfriend even though I'm already 32 years old. And I'm too much of a homebody to travel anywhere, even though I love the world and wish to see many different countries. I'm super unsuccessful even though I'm childfree and have all the time in the world to do things. I'm super lonely because I don't have a boyfriend. I do have a dog, Luna, so I'm not completely alone.
Are you all really super successful in life? Am I truly the only one here who don't have hundreds of achievements in life? Reading about your lives and successes is awesome and makes me happy to hear, but I also get jealous and feel like I'm not living the childfree life right.