Giddey your best PG since DRose

This not recency bias. Coby dont count right now cause he a SG at the moment. Giddey got the highest ceiling of anybody who been at the 1 spot since Rose. Im not talking about a washed up 1 year rental like Rondo either. Im talking about a player who is clearly a part of the future. Lonzo couldnt stay healthy when he had his time, and even if he did, he not capable of SCORING like Giddey. Yes he can spot up, make plays, and lockdown, but even his assist numbers not as consistently high as Giddey. Lonzo kinda like Patrick Williams. You give them the ball and force them to make something happen because it doesn’t really come natural. Buzelis and Giddey gone aggressively get theirs. You just cant teach that. Giddey is a franchise PG and nobody can tell me different. Dont forget this not his prime. He’ll get even better. He not the scorer Luka is but he can put up Luka numbers