CMV: Anyone still supporting Trump is either knowingly complicit in his anti-democratic actions or unaware of their full consequences.

I understand why people supported Trump in the past. He was younger, a strong speaker, and knew how to rouse a crowd. However, at this point, his blatant disregard for democracy, checks and balances and ethics makes continued support inexcusable. He is a convicted felon, and he has openly promised (and carried through with) unconstitutional actions, such as shutting down congressionally created agencies like the Department of Education, as well as ending birthright citizenship, a direct violation of the 14th Amendment.

Regardless of how one feels about these issues, it is unconstitutional. The president of the united states is violating the Constitution, the very document on which our nation stands. it is a fact that he has received more federal injunctions in just two months than any other president this century had in an entire term, proving his willingness to defy the judiciary to get what he wants. His words and actions make it clear that he has no respect for the law or the Constitution when it stands in his way. At this point, anyone who continues to support him is either complicit in his authoritarianism or unaware of the detrimental consequences of enabling his power.

ETA: I've been responding back and forth and will continue to do so but several commenters have pointed out that it's possible I have already covered the only possibilities for trump supporters, thus making my point unchangeable. In posting, I was thinking/hoping I had possibly created a false dichotomy

2nd Edit: At over 1000 comments, I am unable to respond to everyone but I truly appreciate everyone who has taken the time to have calm, logical debates and discussions with me. I've come away with a great understanding of some other perspectives and I know some areas where I need to fill gaps in my knowledge.

To the people (on both sides) who came here to hurl insults and accusations, I implore you to choose kindness over hatred.