CMV: The current US administration will have some sort of cataclysm occur during it.

As an American, I simply see no way that this administration ends without some sort of cataclysm one way or another. The options I can think of:

1.) Trump decides he wants more time in office and attempts to subvert democracy (again), and is overthrown. This leads to a full civil war between his supporters and his non-supporters. 2.) Trump invades some country (Panama, Greenland, Canada), and starts world war 3.
3.) The DOJ starts considering anyone critical of the current administration as a terrorist, and starts sending them to re-education camps.
4.) The government is dismantled to such a degree that results in mass protests and potentially rioting.
5.) The gutting of environmental protections leads to a deep water horizon level environmental catastrophe.
6.) Someone tries to take out the president again and possibly succeeds, leading to a civil war.
7.) The administration uses nukes on Iran as a pre-emptive strike.

Lots of options that I can think of. Some more plausible than others, but it's hard to see how one or more of these does not occur over the next 4 years. I would love to be proven wrong.