I need advice - how to make a bully stop.
My baby orange (9wk male) bullies and terrorises my tuxedo (9 wk male) and my Siamese (5wk female).
They’re all rescues. They love being together and are all social.
The Tux and the Siamese were both feral, so they’re a bit softer in nature. My orange must have been adopted straight from hell because when he’s not being sweet and cuddly he is being a complete asshole.
He attacks them and plays, but doesn’t stop when they make those “stop it please” growls.
He kicks full force, and is really persistent. If he sees them climbing up my legs he attacks them down. He’s just taking any opportunity to play roughly.
I’m not afraid that he’ll harm them, just that he’s making things unpleasant for the other two.
How can I improve his behaviour and understanding of when to stop?
He’s smaller than the Tux but bigger than the Siamese, but bullies both.