I sacrificed my cat for the greater good (mine) AITAH?

I have a 6 yr old little girl who hates being alone. The other night I was putting her to bed and I sat there for 45 min before I said screw it I want to be able to sit and watch some TV before I go to bed. She wasn't asleep yet and threw a fit. I exhaustedly asked what can I do so I don't have to sit up here half the night with you, she grumpily responded "chloe"

"If I give you the cat you'll go to sleep without me sitting up here?


I found our 15 yr old long haired tortie passed out on her cat post downstairs, carried her up, and handed her off to the child who proceeded to hold her like a stuffie. The cat.... did not look thrilled... but didn't try and leave. She's the mellowest calmest cat on the planet who has no issues with being handled by people. The look on her face when I gave her to the child was a solid ....the fuck???...

An hour later the cat came back down stairs sat on the couch next to me, let out the loudest mrrrroowwwwww, flicked her tail and left.