Cat has generic name and feeling a little bad about it
I got a pet cat. Guess the name I went with. Bella. Looking back now I am wishing so hard I named her something else if I knew it was going to end up like this because she was named after a friend, who ended up being shitty to other people so I already feel guilty about it.
But Bella? I feel like it's on par with naming a black cat Luna. If it weren't for Bella I'd probably would've named her a Better Call Saul ship I was hyperfixtating about a few months ago, and thinking about it, I'm okay with the fact I never did.
I swear I should've named her Emmaleigh Kacyznkeigh (Which I probably shouldn't have, dystopienne, we live in a societeigh)
Does your cat have a generic name too? Please send some pictures of them, I need to find a way to cope 😢