How to deal with burned out?

Hi, i’ve been feeling very burnt out at work and was looking to get a week off next week. I can’t go a day without feeling like dragging myself to work and hating everything that i do. I asked my supervisor last week but got rejected because next week is a busy work at work and i am one of the key person (even though i dont think i would be needed that much). I came to a solution that i should take a week off after that week. However, i currently feel like I’m dying and dont even want to work another day without feeling like vomiting. I feel really bad inside. I want to quit every day but I’m worried about finances.

From your experience, what should i do during these 2 weeks to help with my condition? I feel like quitting but i dont think it’s a good idea. Is there something I can do to help lessen the bad feelings what I’m having right now?