Got fired because i’m an idiot
After a year of applying daily to tons of jobs l landed a high paying remote job, it was everything l wanted, long story short l would stay up late texting and scrolling like an idiot that l am that some days l would sleep in, maybe 10 15 mins max but this happened a few times and manager caught on and gave me a chance to not lie about why my laptop was showing me turning it on after 9am, l didn’t have a guts to tell the truth so l lied about having technical problems, well l got fired and l feel like an absolute loser, im hopeless and back to square one, after college i’ve had 2 jobs and they lasted only 3 months, it looks terrible on my resume. i’ve been applying again but the feeling of losing a dream job over something so easy to do is really getting to me emotionally.
edit - a little more backstory, l 100% understand lm in the wrong and what l need to do to fix it, l love money who doesn’t but l believe what made me less motivated to wake up on time and be excited about the job is that it’s not something i’m passionate about, the stuff l am into is super hard to get into - such as the airline and automotive industry. thanks for the advice anyway much appreciated it’s my first time getting this off my chest