What to do with my life

Hey guys 19M here

First post so just wanted some advice, I matriculated in 2023 with a bachelor's although I didn't get the greatest marks (87 in IT tho) and really wanted to study CompSci since I really enjoy coding. Anyways long story short i spent 2024 with rewrites and what not and managed to push my marks up a decent bit (70's and an 82 for math's) but we all know how these universities are with preferences for new matriculants so I ended up getting rejected. I'm really not too phased by it because I really got to love studying last year, just didn't have enough time due to me juggling a software engineering boot camp (which btw just didn't give me any certifications or what not) and today I started a learnership at a tech company which to be honest is the first work experience I've ever had. I love IT don't get me wrong but I don't think it aligns with my goals at the end of the day. Personally the job doesn't deal with the coding aspect (something I love) but all in all it's a really good job. I don't want to give up my dream of CompSci but should I value security of a job? The learnership is only for a year and honestly how do you deal with the working hours? Compared to school it's like a extra 2 hours and honestly I'm just so drained afterwards I don't really feel like studying to attempt to rewrite lol. My girlfriend suggested that I apply for a degree in another field and switch over in 2nd year as lots of people are dropping out by then but yeah I'll update you guys if anyone even reads this.

TLDR; is working supposed to suck, should i persue CompSci just as a personal goal and is it even worth it in this job market since I have years of coding experience and how do you deal with working on a day to day basis

Thanks for reading <3

Edit: hey guys thanks for the support on these posts,

Wanted to start of saying after some thinking, I think I'll go into trying to study Computer Science. I enjoy math's and physics so it will be no issue with me. Parents aren't gonna let me be at home all year so I'll have to stick with the learnership which I have no troubles with, gonna study for 2 hours after work and rewrite in November. Otherwise applying everywhere with what I have nw in the mean time. I'm thinking for the big universities I apply for something no sane people do (i.e Physics or Math's) since they shouldn't be overcrowded like CompSci or even CompEng (someone tell me if that's not full) and do a switch.

Marks are looking like

Math's - 82 Physics - 71 LifeSci - 70 English - 72 Afrikaans - 54 IT - 87 (need to get a combination) LO - useless

Let me know the best courses I can apply for to get towards Computer Science!