Leave Brooke alone

I’m black specifically I’m Nigerian American to clarify where my perspective comes from

The people calling me slurs for voicing my opinion are proving my point. As soon as I’m not the black opinion y’all wanted to hear y’all are so eager to silence me.

EDIT EDIT: since yall have so much time on ur hands to hate on this girl please spread awareness about project Baltimore and how 40% of Baltimore city school children 9-12 have a 0% math proficiency. Donate to black owned organizations like challenge2change that are trying to reduce the school 2 prison pipeline. put ur money where your mouth is.

And as someone that is black I HATE how being black is only deemed worthy of talking about by people that don’t share my background when it is used to drag other ppl and virtue signal otherwise they wouldn’t give two shits about us. Honestly I think that is my main annoyance with the Brooke situation.

EDIT: yall dont seem to understand what I mean. I had a rich white friend in college who had racist grandparents and she prided herself in "not being like them". Then when our floor got noise complaints for partying she said that "partying was liberating for her and the other gender marginalized ppl on the floor like how black people would sing in times of trouble". Meanwhile, there were 0 black people at that party. RIDICULOUS COMMENT.

Brookes comments were gross, but she was CLEARLY influenced by her unstable mom that was essentially tweeting “go Brooke” under her stuff. Her grandparents were racist. And she has BPD, a mental disorder that literally has an unstable sense of self as a main criteria in the DSM5. She is heavily influenced by her surroundings. She apologized on this sub it seemed sincere, is it that much of a sin she didn’t want to go post on her main channel “IM SORRY” cuz look at how y’all cancel people for the stupidest of things while mr rapist ko is living his happy dj life. Sure she could have not blocked ppl that asked her to address it. But ppl are rlly getting on her TEW much like saying “why didn’t she go on cancelled” when Tana didn’t let her go on.

I do think she’s a little bit of a social climber, the Alo stuff and acting a lil uppity to Tana sometimes was INTERESTING but ppl arent all good or bad.

She was ill-informed and I BET y’all have said some weird ass takes too yall just aren’t famous and have people preying on ur downfall.

I believe she’s turned a better leaf for the most part. Case in point ALIX Earle. Both of these girls got exposed for her racist tweets.

Alix: uses her money to trademark her tweets so ppl can’t make videos without getting copyrighted

Brooke: uses her money to donate thousands to the Trayvon martin foundation

If the usage of their money and by extension power doesn’t illustrate where their real interests lie idk what does. anyways rather than focusing all our energy on canceling individuals, let’s direct our efforts towards meaningful change, like supporting education and fighting systemic racism.