Who killed the most Slayers?

(Some spoilers)

According to the show, Buffy lived an unusually long time for a Slayer. She had already surpassed the usual life expectancy well before the shows final seasons.

There seem to be a handful of vampires that lived a very long time. Angel, Spike, Drusilla and Darla are all over 200 years old.

If the average Slayer lived two years, (an arbitrary number I picked) then those vampires would have lived through over 100 different Slayer activations.

Which leads me to ask, has any one vampire killed a lot of Slayers? It seems very possible since there don’t seem to be a ton of vampires and they exist in a small world. But if I remember correctly, the show doesn’t present anyone having a higher Slayer kill count than Spike’s two.

One possible answer might be that the deaths weren’t concentrated among a single vampire. There might have been 98 different vampires each with a single Slayer kill to their name. They might have been run of the mill vampires who killed an inexperienced Slayer early in her career only to eventually be slain by another Slayer, or an angry village mob.

Another answer might be that the majority of them die on their 18th birthdays thanks to the Watchers Council and the Tento di Cruciamentum.

I do wonder though if any other vampires out there truly enjoyed hunting Slayers the way Spike did. The thought of a Vampire Slayer Slayer is definitely frightening.