Vampires and facial hair
Sorry tedious and anal thought LOL, but it just hit me why did Angel and Spike never grow beards when they were living on the streets, or in Sunnydale High's basement.
They went to such great efforts of showing how dishevelled they were, with Spike losing his blonde hair for a bit and Angel getting that infamous long cut etc. Yet no beard? Were they both still shaving but not paying attention to anything else LOL. Mad Spike took a razor to his neck every morning?
Or was this a deliberate way of showing vamps don't grow facial hair? Come to think of it I can't remember any vamp with a beard, though there probably is a no name vampire with one. Vampires do lose their hair when they get older like the Master, so maybe it's a thing of it takes vampires ages to grow hair if they cut it until eventually it just drops out like the Master, explaining why Spike and Angel didn't get beards. I've thought about this too much.