Dissapointed with the crime den level changes. I spent money to be a member with crime den specifically in mind. And I can't do them. There needs to be a combat level icon in the crime den tabs.
I had stopped working on combat after I did all the quests, as I was waiting for the combat update. It's here, and now I'm wanting to train combat again. I wanted to do the raids since it's afk and I can do other stuff. So I re subscribed to try it out. We'll, now I can't because I'm severely under leveled. I can't even do the first crime den. But prior to the update I was able to do the highest tier raid I had access to. While I will still use the membership for other skills, I had specifically wanted to do the crime dens when I made my decision to re sub. My suggestion is to include the combat level in the crime den tab so we know what we need for it.