I was wrong - Crafting post-Combat Changes is now EPIC!
So I initially was critical of the combat change effect on weapon crafting. I had found myself struggling to craft with my highest tier ores which I could craft fine with before the update. They were for lvl 300+ weapons when I was only 190 combat.
However, I was wrong!
I was looking at only one weapon type and my shield. Little did I realize, the new weapon-range crafting system is EXCELLENT!
I craft Epics often. Especially when I face new enemies lvling up. All rares are useful to me- low & high lvls. Lows can offset the MUCH higher lvl rares when it comes to epic infusing to get the exact lvl you may want.
What I found post-combat merge is that I am not only using my current tier ore (in some crafting scenarios), but also using up my lower tier ores I previously neglected as some scenarios now require it. It feels more... balanced? Useful? Not wasting old resources? Dunno how to describe it - but a lot more integrated than before. The recent change to make mining previous resources stay till log out helps a ton too!
Furthermore, I LOVE how the unlocks now show on the crafting skills, showing the lvl ranges they can craft. As I can quickly see what the highest shield is that I can craft for 221 to 480 range, or 0 to 370 if I must go lower. I don't think that showed like that pre-update, i'm not sure? Some feedback tho: It'd be great if I could see the recipe book from the skill unlock screen.
All in all - I ain't the best with my words describing exactly what has technically changed, but I know in practice and how I play (with my constant epic crafting as I work my combat up) - it's been SO MUCH better thru this new combat update than it had prior (as someone who crafted epics multiple times over for every episode).
Thank you Fen Research for the excellent work!