How to wean 12 month old

Help! My 12 month old cannot fall asleep without the booby. The only way is nursing to sleep. Then he keeps waking up MANY times a night, and even from the midday nap searching for booby comfort. Very rarely he would go back to sleep without booby.. Mlst of the times he screeches and screams "momma, momma" and this can go on for a long time and usually ends up with him being fully awake. Im next to him the whole time. Hugging and petting. Nothing seems to help. It's really starting to make me a miserable person. I'm going back to work next week and I dont want to be going through this hell every night. I understand its my "fault" since thats how it was since he was born, but i already am at my wits end.Help me please, any advice is welcome :)