Milk just came in yesterday and during the day went well, tonight baby has been feeding every hour

Is it because my body still doesn’t know what to produce? I feel like latching is going well- if it hurts I take her off and retry. We are also changing pee diapers every few hours and when she’s finished eating I can usually see milk dripping out of her mouth. I’m doing about 20 minutes on one side and then offering the other- which she doesn’t usually take at the time. By the time we fall asleep we are both back up because she’s crying and wants to be fed again.

I want her to get back up to birth weight and she’s on her 6th day of life so I’m proud of what we have been doing so far. I don’t know if this is common or something that lasts but pediatrician told me not to go more than 20 minutes on one side. Getting up every hour to breastfeed throughout the night is not going to be sustainable all the time and I really don’t want to give up… any advice would be helpful ❤️