Please help

My milk supply has suddenly dropped because I stupidly thought since my baby was sleeping through the night I could just sleep and not pump or wake him to eat. He’s 3 months. I got a clogged duct and finally got it out. But the past few days my baby is frustrated at the breast. He still has plenty of wet and dirty diapers but our feeds take longer now cuz I’m having to switch back and forth. Also I always pump before bed and used to get 4 oz even if it had been two hours since feeding him. Now I get two. And today my husband fed him a bottle while I was out and I came home and pumped right away (it had been 3 hours since I fed him). And I only got 2 oz which is not normal for me I can usually get 4 and a half to 5 oz if it’s been 3-4 hours. So what can I do to bring up my supply? Today I have been pumping after he eats and I have been chugging water and drinking body armor. Also I plan to power pump before bed and pump or feed him in middle of night and pump again. I’m pretty upset about this I feel so stupid. I thought it was okay to sleep if he was. I wasn’t able to feed my first so I’ll be devastated if I have to give this baby formula even tho I know it’s okay fed is best but I’ll feel like a failure. Please share your tips for me! Thank you.