Brandon's writing why some love it and others despise it.

Quick note, this is just my own personal conjecture and what I have observed anecdotely. And most of this is half remembered so if I get some specific details wrong thats on me.

I have heard varying degrees of opinion on Brandon's writing style/prose. Some make it sound like it's the greatest writing since Shakespeare. While others despise it and call it "unoriginal"

Why is this the case?

Well it comes down to what Brandon has said himself:

"I try to disappear with my writing, to where you don't see my in the writing"

(Heavily paraphrased)

Brandon's writing is very straight to the point and workman like. He doesn't waste your time with alot of metaphors or similies and hardly ever uses any flowery language. And when he does use metaphors it is often times used for touches of wordbuilding.

This is why I think his writing is hated by some. Brandon is very straightforward and doesn't really add more then he really needs to. He uses em dashes quite frequently in order to format the text, but that is the most he uses. He doesn't have a distinct or unique prose that you can easily tell. Of course he has one, but it is very subdued and rarely can be seen easily.

But why do some love it then?

Well in my personal opinion it's for the same reason. Since Brandon is straightforward and doesn't waste time with metaphors or long flowery descriptions. Many enjoy his writing this way because Brandon writes longer more grand scale fiction. Due to his writing being straightforward many may find that it keeps the narrative moving without being slowed down with the flowery language.

Now obviously you may have your own reasons for liking or hating his writing. This is just what I have casually observed.

As for my own opinion.

I like Brandon's writing, because I simply do not like very flowery or metaphorical writing. For example one of my favorite books is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. But my main criticism of the book comes down to how it is written. The language is very symbolic and flowery. Example:

"She spoke the words and threw them on to the table. Waiting for her Papa to pick them up and assemble them."

(Again heavily paraphrased)

That is why I personally prefer his writing.

Comment what you think of Brandon's writing and why you love it or hate it below.

For some more in depth analysis and a better understanding, I recommend you watch these videos: