Circe: An unexpected favorite
I'm writing this a few hours after I finished the book, and this is my first time writing a post here of what I think after reading a book so bear with me if you please, and let me just say that this one is definitely gonna stick with me for a long, long time.
Initially, I avoided books like Circe because of how it was being advertised especially on tiktok. Despite being a woman, I'm not keen in reading books or even movies or series constantly advertised as being "feminist" because I often end up disappointed at how they portray those said feminist ideas (it usually ends up turning out kinda like what She Hulk did). But with Circe, all that stuff wasn't even in my mind while I was reading it, it just felt like I was reading another story with a main character who just could never seem to catch a break (and I mean this in a good way because god was I cheering for Circe when she finally stood up for herself).
It also helps (or not, idk) that I only have the barest of knowledge when it comes to greek mythology, I know that a lot of its stories were fucked up like the Minotaur, but I didn't know it was Pasaphaes whats her name, among other things, so that only made my reading a lot more addicting as I was eager to see what comes next for Circe. For the most part, I was always asking aloud: Good lord, why is everyone so mean to her? And when she and Hermes first met, I actually "OooOoohed" out loud lmao like it was my first romance book (and now that I think about it, it kinda is). I've seen other reviews describing the book that it was a little predictable and bland, but again, as someone with not that much idea about greek mythology, I was in for one hell of a ride.
However, what I did know about at least was the Odyssey. I stumbled a book about it when I was a kid, one of those disney hyperion ones that make otherwise violent myths to a little more kid-friendly, and I loved it. Eventually my greek mythology hyperfixation ended before I could dive deeper into the much more gritty tales and their specifics. Before reading the book, I had also been obsessed with Epic the Musical and while I know that the creator has repeatedly said that he'd taken a lot of creative liberties with his songs (not that it's a bad thing, I still listen to the album nearly everyday), I was still somewhat surprised with the realization that Odysseus was definitely NOT okay after the war. And I don't mean just PTSD-not okay, but the kind that would make him call his son a coward, turn away from him, kill innocents who only had the misfortune of being assosciated with the suitors out of paranoia, and the way he dealt with the parents of those suitors and the soldiers too. How it never crossed my mind that they would be rightfully angry why their sons never came home is something I don't know. Perhaps it was because I just wanted to imagine a happy ending for Odysseus, but Circe's version of him was, and I'm not sure if this is the right word, "sobering". Like I had woken up from fantasizing and realized that yes, this could very well be a possibility of what happened to Ody after the war. Worsen his traumas with Athena whispering in his ear, and... well... I think I'll stick with Epic Athena thank you very much.
Circe and Telemachus.
So, uh... before that, I was giddy when I realized that they were all bonding like a family, like being a mother to the other's son and vice versa, and nope, I was dead wrong. And when I looked it up to see if it was true, not only Telemachus and Circe married, but Telegonus and Penelope too and I just noped the fuck out. Thankfully, it was only the former in the book, and even then, I had already realized that these gods were simply just very strange creatures who don't really think about bloodlines as much as we do, heck who don't think about stuff the same way that we do. After Telegonus left, that sweet adorable little shit, I just ached for her all ovet again, so when she confronted Helios, spat in his face to leave her out of his infinite list of children, and began a life with Telemachus, I realized that you know what? Just be happy. Live and be happy.
In summary, I adored the book and I think it restarted my greek mythology hyperfixation.
Madeline Miller, I will always praise her seamlessly weaving all these stories together and actually make it not only coherent but also a tale that you would remember for a long, long time. She writes very beautifully, so much so, that I actually brought out a pencil and started underlining tons of the book's quotes after never doing something like that before, like me writing my thoughts and posting it on the internet. It was just such a lovely book, I'm still scared to look up if Telemachus and Circe had a peaceful life together cuz you know how greek myths fuck people's lives over, but even if it wasn't, I'll be content with the ending and the things Circe imagined for the future. Also, there's fanfiction so shrugs
All in all, a 10/10 book for me. Flaws and all. I'll look forward to reading the Song of Achilles and rip my heart into shreds all over again.
edited: grammar and missing words because i had been drinking fast juice (coffee)