Can anyone in this show be friends?

This may come off as unimportant to some people but idk personally it would be nice to see. Keep in mind I’ve only been watching for so long, so maybe years ago they had more friendships? I really cannot think of much friendships as of recently though. Thomas was one of the only people on this show who had a friend… and they killed him (in a horrible way I might add). They also killed poor Deacon’s TWO friends. Brooke and Taylor were friends… until the show had to ruin it. The newer characters Electra and Remy were “friends” but surprise Remy is crazy and obsessed and wants to be more than that. The only friendship I can think of right now is Daphne and Steffy 😂 but of course Daphne was just recently introduced. But yeah everyone is family or enemies… or both, or dating. I apologize if I’m missing something but this is something I’ve been thinking about for a bit and cannot think of any current friendships. What are your guy’s thoughts?