Guess Who I saw This Weekend :)

Sorry for the wait! Originally I made the post with the big reveal while I was at work on Monday but it wouldn't post so now I have to redo it :( Well anyways I got to meet a very important person this weekend at my local convention this weekend and got something very special :) I didn't even know she was gonna be there until I was walking around the Va area and saw her banner. I was going crazy and giggling and squealing like a school girl 😔 (I am still a woman) When I met her I immediately told her how much I loved BokuYaba and Anna along with how much she was relatable to me. Like the fact we have a similar physique (I am not her height lol), our jobs (yes I'm a model), we love food, and the type of relationshipa we have. Sadly the Va for Icikawa wasn't there because he doesn't attend Conventions but she got his autograph beforehand :) I just could wait to share this with you guys. Also I know a little secret (You guys should be on your best behavior on this sub.) Well anyways, here it is~