What mispronunciations has the community normalized?
I don't mean what games do you or your friends mispronounce. I mean what games do most people (in board game meetups, YouTube videos, BGG, etc) mispronounce?
I have two:
- Agricola -
I think the Latin is AGricola like agriculture, not aGRICKola (EDIT: After being corrected and consulting Wiktionary, I think the period-appropriate Ecclesiastical Latin pronunciation is ah-gree-co-lah... so minor vowel differences) - Barrage - everyone calls it barRAJ but that is a concentration of artillery fire; the word which means a waterway dam is spelled the same way but pronounced BARridge.
Not saying the way we all pronounce them is wrong, I just think it's funny that the accepted way of saying it is not how a dictionary would tell us to.