Frustrates me how little comes with the Pyxis (no top handle)

Hey I'll try to keep this really short and sweet, and curious what others think.

I've used the black magic 6k pro for 4 years and I really love it, and was really excited for the Pyxis. I just bought it and I did a good amount of research before. I knew I'd have to shell out some more money to get it operating; I spent an additional $2000+ to get everything I knew I'd need.

And this might be petty but the one thing that really frustrated me is the Pyxis didn't come with a top handle. The $700 black magic monitor didn't come with a top handle (it literally is meant for their top handle). And the top handle was an additional $200.

I literally couldn't believe I didn't get their top handle in the camera or the monitor kit and i know they like to keep the camera prices low and all, but common, $200 for a top handle? Genuinely, out of principal, I might return it. I know a top handle isn't needed by everyone, but I'd rather just have black magic sell a pro kit so that I can just pay $5000 or whatever the cost is to have a genuinely working camera out of the box in the way it was "designed" to be used. You can keep the cheaper, no accessory camera as a separate sku for those people, but it's crazy how little comes with this camera.