Anyone willing to help me render my animation?

Hey r/blender, I ask you all today for some help. My name is Zach Lieberman, and I am a senior in high school. My Robotics Team ( has qualified for the World Championships in Houston Texas. I took on the challenge of creating an animation that demonstrates the assembly of our robot. However, after spending 12 hours on it, I am now unable to render it without my laptop crashing. (kinda a personal error in hindsight). What I ask today, is for someone to help me render my project. I have the .blend file in google drive, but I have never rendered anything before as this is my first time using Blender. the animation is 816 frames at 24fps (do u guys think that is a good ratio?).

I also have no clue what rendering setting I should use, so it is currently set as a PNG (but I want a video to be exported.)

TLDR: can anyone help me render my 816 frame blender animation for my Robotics Team?

please reply to this message, and I will share the link with you.
