Came across this BS…Black women need to understand the importance of walking away

I came across this video first on Twitter (then watched again on TikTok).

I am in utter shock and disbelief. I am not familiar with the show but whatever, context I gathered: I guess the lady is a black American and she is engaged with a Nigerian man.

I’m gonna pause here for a second: I am not Nigerian, I am Congolese raised in my culture even though I grew up in Europe. For the life of me, I can’t understand why a black woman from US would want to marry a traditional African man. There are a lot of cultural reasons and differences and like my mom would say “you have to leave the traditional men to traditional women”.

The reason of the dispute: during St.Valentin’s day, the MIL thought it was a good idea to come to go see her son and fiancé (she already dead ass wrong). The lady, I think, really tries to understand the customs and culture of her partner and accept her MIL’s presence AND feed (if it were me, I would’ve let her starve tf?). However, the lady didn’t take her plate after she was done eating, the lady tried to talk to her about and the MIL went BALLISTIC as you can hear and see.

How she kept her composure idk…I admire her. For me, it just shows that she reaallllllllllyyy wants that man, because both of them later apologised to the MIL.

The first question on my mind was: where are the lady’s parents? If I were in this situation (ugh god forbid), I would bring my mother EVERYWHERE with me, nobody could talk to me like that in her presence. Boy’s moms always think that they are the only parents in the world who love their children and want the best for them and they deserve everything and all that BS.

To me, this manipulation, mental abuse and the fiancé is a willing a complice. Really, I don’t understand this lovely lady, it can’t be THAT worth it, he can’t be the ONLY one.

I really hope that every black woman understands that you don’t have to accept disrespect to show that you’re strong and a good person worthy of everything you desire, ESPECIALLY to a boy’s mom.

I know mariage is a big part of customs and culture in literally every African country, but let’s be honest, it is a sexist and misogynistic institution at his core. You will become a servant for a family that didn’t birth not raise you unless you stood your grounds.

I was born in a traditional African family but not that traditional compared to the other Congolese families. My mom was more chill than most. She believes in freedom of choice and “doing whatever you want, whenever you want if that’s the best for you”. She isn’t mariage obsessed, so I didn’t grow up in household where it was the ultimate goal once I am of age, she doesn’t even really talk about it to me. So, for me mariage isn’t that big of a deal, so when I watched the clip I had to remember some people do value mariage that much and are willing to accept ANYTHING to achieve it.

Honestly, I don’t want that for black women and I really wished that we taught young black girls to know they are enough, they don’t have to seek constant validation or approval. This lady doesn’t have any permanent ties with this man yet, to me there is always time to walk away and I refuse to believe love is the only reason for her to stay. There is no way.

Finally my hot take: if your partner’s family is highly toxic, you have every right to say it is either them or you. Idc. People got to grow some BALLS, a lot of y’all will be scared of your parents until you’re six feet under. Enough now.

What do you think ladies?