Tore/strained intercostal muscle

Three big pops and I can hardly breathe. Just feel like an idiot and super discouraged. No degree white belt. About 15 classes so far. Went to a competition class. Colored belt had me in a hold I had never seen before. The top of his head was driving into my sternum and his arms were wrapped around my waist compressing me.

Like a dumbass I tried to rotate my entire upper body and about 90 degrees I felt a bunch of pops and excruciating pain.

Couch was nearby and assessed it. They recommend 6-8 weeks of recovery. Paused my account and that was super cool of them.

Not the guys fault. We shook hands and made up. I just was stupid and tried to muscle my way out.

I’m gonna come back and work on theory and injury prevention in the mean time but this really hit me hard. BJJ has become a big part of my mental health.

Edit: thanks for the perspective and encouragement guys. Means a lot. I’m gonna focus on recovery and coming back smarter.