BWT, air out your dirty, tasteless laundry here!

Obviously as BWT, we typically aim to have said taste be of the good variety. However, as we are not two dimensional characters, nobody is completely perfect. I thought it'd be fun to share the elements of our lives where we unashamedly display bad or—gasp!—no taste. I've noted down some of mine below (+ whether I aim to change them):

  • My house is quite literally artless — no paintings, no sculptures, no decor, nothing. // Probably won't be changing this anytime soon — am not ashamed to admit that I'm at the stage of life where I care more about how I present myself in public than in my own abode, so that's where I focus my energy

  • My home clothes (a stretch to call them lounge wear) are literally all ratty nonsense BWT recommend throwing away // see above. The caveat is that I don't wear clothes that dwarf my figure as I like to keep track of how my body looks

  • I don't watch any shows/movies or listen to podcasts // won't change this, I've never been able to stand podcasts and lately that's extended to anything where I have to watch/listen to something

  • I secretly love airline food. Something about water in those tiny unenvironmentally friendly vacuum sealed cups gets me excited

Share yours below so I don't feel like a complete tasteless B 👇🏼