DAE have very different caffeine tolerances depending on mood states?

I’ve noticed this with alcohol and other substances as well, but caffeine has the most dramatic difference for me

When hypomanic, caffeine makes me almost euphoric. One energy drink makes me incredibly happy and energetic, and definitely makes all of my mania symptoms much more intense. Speaking twice as fast as without caffeine (so at least three times as fast as eurythmic lol), incredibly social and impulsive, even the grandiosity increases noticeably when I drink caffeine.

When I’m depressed however, caffeine might as well be placebo. I can drink strong coffee or multiple energy drinks back to back and get absolutely no psychological effects, only increased heart rate etc. Not even increased anxiety, just the exact same as if I’d have had no caffeine

When eurthymic, it affects me the same way as a normal person. A bit of increased energy but not euphorically. I can get to the point of getting more pressured speach if I have a huge amount of it, but that feels more uncomfortable than pleasant, just like how most people feel when they have a bit too much coffee

Does anyone else experience something similar?