Dr Appt tomorrow
My psychiatrist is not the one who diagnosed me or gave me my current meds (that was all done inpatient at the hospital). In the past she would increase my Prozac without increasing my mood stabilizer, which sent me into hypomania. I’m also prone to rapid cycling and mixed states.
I have an appt tomorrow to ask about changing meds since I’ve been so depressed/in a terrible mixed episode lately. I don’t know where to start, but I’m afraid my mood stabilizer isn’t doing enough and that if she adds Prozac I’ll be fully hypomanic again. I’m not sure she understands, but she’s the only local doctor with space who takes my insurance so I need to make this work.
Are there any medications I should bring up/ask her about? Any advice on how to approach her? I also have unmedicated ADHD which drives me crazy and makes me more depressed, but the biggest issue is bipolar.