Can remains of eaten animals be found in human body?
Hello. Say i ate a steak, made of cow. After completion of digestive process(~70hours) can any remains of particular cow or cows in general be found in my body, bloodstream, or particular organs? Does genetic material or any kind of information that could identify a cow remain in the body?
Edit: I'm receiving self-help messages induced by "concerned redditors". Please don't be concerned. The question springs from simple thought: do eaten animal tissues somehow connect, fuse or contact with human tissues and what action in human body it brings about. We repeat from childhood "You are what you eat", but if all the eaten tissues break down into unidentifiable nutrients, than it's just not true, there is a contradiction between folk knowledge and science. In a person that eats chicken daily, will there be something of a chicken, that is essentially my question.
On subject: people have pointed out that certain kinds of food create different carbon footprint patterns. To me it seems to have very little biological meaning. There is also a study, that suggests that miRNA from plants, milk or animals can survive cooking, pass all the barriers in the digestive system and enter organism, where it will take part in regulation, metabolic and other kind of functions. The results of the study though are hard to reproduce and are deemed inconclusive.