People who quit over the smallest things

Seriously, I play online just for fun, not really looking for unlocks, but 9/10 of my games If one person gets an item they dont like, or take too much damage people just up and quit?

I had a game with a lost and tainted Maggie, the Maggie got dr fetus, the lost practically took every item with the eternal d6, I didnt mind, I'm tainted isaac anyways I'm just trying to support the run, we entered a treasure room that had headless familiar and chemical peel, Maggie was too fast and got the headless familiar, and both players just rage quit, we had the key to Mega satan, and a ton of soul hearts, all that over chemical peel when you already have 7 items and all i got was the key necklace? Bruh I should be the one who's mad. And I kind of am, a solid run wasted over nothing, feels like so many of my games end over petty bullshit.