Parents of babies less than 6 months, are you always in the room while your LO sleeps?
I just learned this week that it is not recommended to ever leave baby sleeping in a room alone before the age of 6 months, even for naps. Apparently being in the same room helps reduce the risk of SIDS and it is thought that the baby regulates their breathing by hearing you breathe. Until I learned this, I had been putting my 3.5 month old down for bed in our room, then coming out to the living room to watch TV with my husband until I was ready for bed myself (usually 2 hours). I always watch her on the monitor, but now I know it’s not the supervision that makes this recommendation important, but literally our physical presence near the sleeping baby. Since learning this, I’ve been feeling a little stifled because I have to rush to eat dinner and get ready if my baby is already asleep so I can go join her asap. And no, she doesn’t sleep well in the living room and I haven’t tried watching tv in the bedroom while she sleeps but doubt that would fly. Just want to know what other parents are doing!