Has anyone got through teething without pain medication?
I'm really trying to hold off on giving 4.5 month old Tylenol.. but he is just absolutely miserable and has been for hours. He only quiets momentarily when he bites his fingers. The teething toys don't do it for him. He won't nurse for more than a few mins. It's not gas (we are experts and detecting and removing gas), he's not sick, he won't sleep, won't play, just crying (like tears crying so I know it's pain) so I'm only left with teething... So has anyone gotten through this period without pain meds. Any tips/advice on this? Is it possible!!??
EDIT: for any other moms that happen to see this post and are wondering. Thanks to some amazing moms who posted actual advice on here (instead of crucifying me) I soaked a washcloth in some breast milk, threw in it a plastic bag in the freezer. I let him suck/bite/chew on it for a while until he was totally content. Once his mouth was (presumably numb) I nursed him and he fell right asleep. We made it through!
During this time I DID message his doctor (since I was getting so much hate from "fellow moms") for not IMMEDIATELY MEDICATING HIM and his doctor actually recommended the same things. He said "he's under 6 months old so avoid Tylenol if you can UNLESS he has a teething fever, in which case give him the Tylenol to bring the fever down. 90% of babies at this age will not have an actual tooth cutting so the pain should be manageable but it's likely the first time they are experiencing pain so it can seem extreme because they are scared!!"