"Season 6 Has Lazy Writing"

I have a couple thoughts about people's opinion that some of the writing is lazy. There are some moments that people didn't like that I think are perfectly valid:

- "Why would Hector give away that Lalo is alive?" Hector is in a wheelchair and has been disabled for months and months, knowing Gus is out there and able to torture him. Hector has acted irrationally multiple times in the past: disrespecting Don Eladio, letting his ego take precedent over the smart action, etc... I don't think a character like Hector would've been able to contain a chance at one "fuck you, you're screwed now" look at Gus. It's not out of character for him to gloat to Gus in hopes of seeing Gus squirm, which he does get to see.

- "Gus' plan isn't good." This one makes the least sense to me. Gus has to have Nacho die thousands of miles away, but not in a suspicious way that implicates Gus at all. How is Gus' plan not the best way to do that? Obviously it's not concrete but there's only so much he can do. The last thing Nacho wants is to be taken alive by the Salamancas... This seems like as good a plan as any to ensure he isn'tt under suspicion. Moreover, why does Gus have to be perfect? in 2004, he is far from the careful planner he is in the Breaking Bad timeline.