A fight edited out?

In this part of the their latest episode (episode 88), Chy is talking passionately about her opinion on relationship norms, and Winter looks visibly disinterested and disagrees with Chy. She interjects while Chy is talking, then plays with her side burns in the viewfinder, with an annoyed look. Chy seems to be desperately trying to get her point across and could sense that Winter couldn’t care less to hear her out.

Then suddenly the camera cut to Winter introducing the next segment. Chy appears annoyed and begins drinking the hell out of her empty drink to avoid talking to Winter at the moment. She usually joins in on little songs with Winter (and she initiates them often herself), but she appeared to be purposely avoiding joining in at this moment.

What do you think? A cut out fight? They admitted to cutting out a few fights before. My bored and ADHD brain that made up a whole scenario even though I have absolutely no idea what actually happened lmao:

Chy clocked Winters tea about being dismissive and interrupting her (multiple times), and Winter doesn’t want us to see it and side with her.

It doesn’t appear that Chy was satisfied with the resolution to that situation once the cameras cut back on, but Winter seemed quite cheerful. My guess is that Winter ended it with a “it is what it is” and moved on without hearing Chy out.

Winter doesn’t always correctly predict what opinions of hers will garner a negative response from viewers, but I think this time she obviously knew she was wrong and didn’t want to face the backlash from us. This of course is just my personal guess based on their past interactions. At the end of the day, I’m just bored and can’t sleep and noticed that cut and wanted to know that other people thought lol.