The most recent MLB app update is a major downgrade from past seasons.

I’ve spent maybe three hours so far in the iOS app across a handful of games — and can already see that it is functionally less capable than years past.

The biggest issue I’ve found is the removal of swipe gestures while watching a game. Before, you could swipe from the right side of the screen to bring up the box score for the game you’re watching, or from the top to view scores of other games and quickly switch between them.

This functionality appears to have been removed completely.

Second, selecting the video feed you’d like to start now opens up in a window…with the inning-style box score below it. Portrait, landscape, doesn’t matter — no full screen until you select it again. Why do that? I selected video, obviously I intend to watch the game in full screen by default.

Whoever made these design decisions clearly does not use the app routinely, or did so with something other than end user experience in mind.

This doesn’t even taken into account the bugs I’m already finding — crashes when reducing volume in commercials, for example.

It has sealed my decision not to renew my subscription for 2025.

u/mlbofficial, take note. I don’t expect a response, but you need to make sure that decision makers see this.